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Listening to the sea’s messages

Dancing between the water’s wisdom and your awakening intuition, your sea soul awaits…

Here’s part two of the article I wrote for Kindred Spirit’s May 2020 issue (slightly revised). I discuss the sea’s ever-changing spirit (ah the joys of constantly shifting Cornish weather…!), and look at how this and the type of coastal activities we choose to engage in can allow us to tune into different messages from the sea.

The conditions, the sea’s mood, the tides, the time of year – each brings a new aspect to the messages we receive.  As does the way we choose to engage with the water. The energy of the sea changes with the weather, but somehow, it always offers us what we need in each moment. All we need to do is listen.

“Does the song of the sea end at the shore
or in the hearts of those who listen to it?”
Kahlil Gibran

Sourcing the sea in all weathers

I swim in the sea all year round (unless its dangerous), and deeply appreciate the wide range of experiences it offers me – from cold to warm water, soft Cornish mizzle to sunshine, sometimes even snow…

A wild sea can stimulate the spirits, bringing strength, vitality, and opportunities to allow and release anger. A calm sea can untangle a busy mind, encourage rest, and soothe pain. Rain on the sea echoes the connectedness of everything in ripples of bursting energy. While the sun and sea together are a source of glorious alchemy, enriching our ability to synthesise and call in divine magic: their richest canvases offered up at sunrise and sunset.

What message does the sea have for you today?

Whenever you spend time in, on or by the sea, you are offered a gift.

Every time we visit, the water offers us new opportunities to deepen our understanding of ourselves, and our place in it all.

If you choose to, you can take a moment to bring your awareness to the particular message the ocean has for you today.

In and around the water, at the meeting of two worlds, you can seek a deeper sense of your own connection to universal energy, to nature, to something greater than yourself.


Allow yourself to soften, connect and expand beyond your conscious self. Loosen your grip on the ‘known’ world, and simply become curious – watch and listen for what the sea is ready to teach you.  Seek out signs and messages. Notice the details of your experience.

In acknowledging the water within yourself, you can gently widen your field of awareness, release and open to something more.

Spend time by the sea  

Walking, running, yoga, spending time in meditation, or simply bringing your attention to your breath by the water – when we are by the sea, listening to the sounds of the waves, observing their patterns, looking out at the vastness of the horizon, the sea clears and opens our minds and hearts.

It’s a powerful space for for visioning, practicing inner reflection: one that can help us to find ease, clarity, expansion and spaciousness.

Spend time on the sea

Sailing, kayaking, paddle-boarding, surfing, floating blissfully on your back – when we are on the sea, our world shifts again.

We are part sky, part water. We are in flow. On the sea, the water guides us to explore aspects of our fluidity, persistence, decisiveness, balance and freedom.

Spend time in the sea

Paddling, swimming, diving – when we enter the sea, we are immersed, refreshed and held.

As we move ourselves through the water, the water supports us. In the sea, we can practice releasing, cleansing, going deeper, finding trust and faith, duality, adaptability, oneness and forgiveness.

Spend time imagining the sea

Mindful awareness – Even if we’re far from the sea, we can engage in meditation or connection practices that draw on the sounds, images, or feelings of being in and by the sea.

We can use tools like Sea Soul Blessings to awaken our memories of the sea, allowing these to ground and guide us. Or explore the kind of practices I share regularly in The Sea Circle.

In our minds, we are free to bring our attention to any of the experiences and qualities described above, and to hold space to reflect on these as aspects of ourselves.

What do you need today? What kind of sea experience would support you to feel more of that? Call that sea to mind, and open to experiencing more of that quality in your day today.

As the sea supports us to practice presence and mindful awareness, we can find the courage to move forward.

“In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans.”
Kahlil Gibran

You might also enjoy the first part of this piece: Sourcing Wisdom in the Sea, where I share my personal story of connecting to the sea. And the final part: Five Simple Sea Rituals to Transform Your Day with ideas for easy sea and beach rituals you can create for yourself when you’re in and around the sea.

In the meantime, if you’d like to hear more from us, sign up for our Sea Soul Newsletter over here.

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