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Sea Soul Community: Swazi

This is the tenth in our series of interviews to deepen the connections between all of us who love the sea and Sea Soul Blessings.

Today, we’re interviewing Swazi Kaur of Chocolate is not the Only Fruit about relying on yourself through challenging times, the power of sea swimming and finding joy in nature, and only trusting people who love animals…

Tell us a little bit about you

I’m Swazi, almost 50, I live in Croydon and I have two sons and a cat who I adore. I’m devoted to equality and sharing my love of Yoga and music.

What does nature, and the sea in particular, mean to you?

“I believe that nature gives us energy and peace.

Being near the sea gives me a feeling of zen that I cannot explain or get from pretty much anything else.”

How do you feel on a good day?

I feel at peace. I can see my kids are happy and it makes me warm inside.

How do you feel on a bad day?

I feel out of control, as if everything is going wrong and I have no way of making it better.

Who or what is inspiring you right now?

I am inspired by the kind words I hear from people who love me. By the music that I hear, and by listening to my kids when they tell me how they feel.

What do you worry about on a typical day?

I worry about not being good enough, about getting things wrong for my family and about making poor decisions that hurt other people.

Where do you find joy?

In music, in swimming, in nature. I can breathe in and listen to the trees or the waves and feel instant joy.

What do you love to do, read, watch or listen to?

I read very little, but I do love to walk, to swim, to listen to music and podcasts. I am rediscovering music from the past as well as learning about new music from my kids.

What makes you cross?

Injustice, inequality, unkindness.

How do you look after yourself?

I don’t as often as I should. When I think of it, I hug my kids or my cat. I make myself a nice cup of tea and sit down to drink it. I love to swim to clear my mind of worries.

What would you most like to change about your life?

I think the changes that have happened recently have been a big shock, but have shown me I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

I want to have a better work life balance so I can be around for my boys and support them while also fulfilling my ambitions at work.

What have you learnt about life that you wish you’d understood earlier?

“That it is not possible to rely on another person for your happiness. It has to come from within. Love and kindness are the most important qualities. And that anyone who doesn’t love animals is not to be trusted.”

How would you describe Sea Soul Blessings in 3 words?

Incredible, inspiring & prophetic.

How do you use your Sea Soul Blessings? What do they help you to change?

I keep them by my bed and when I feel the need for guidance I shuffle and take a card then read the meaning. I hold it close to me and smile as I feel they are just the perfect answer to whatever is happening in that moment.

“They help me to keep a sense of perspective about what is happening in my life.”

If someone was thinking about trying Sea Soul Blessings, how would you encourage them?

I would say that that Sea Soul Blessings are simple to use and the premise is honest and loving. It is a heartful way to look inward.

You can find Swazi in all of these wonderful places:

If you’d like to be featured in one of these interviews, get in touch!

If you’d like to get yourself some Sea Soul Blessings, do that right here.

You might also enjoy the other interviews in the Sea Soul Community series so far:




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