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Sea Soul Community: Madeline


This is the eleventh in our series of interviews to deepen the connections between all of us who love the sea and Sea Soul Blessings. And today, we’re interviewing Madeline Rains of Love, Madeline.

Madeline talks about life as a newly-wed, the joys of time spent with adult children, and how it really is possible to love nature and New York City…

Tell us a little bit about you: 

I am a 55 year old newly-wed with a fabulous guy at my side. We live in Atlanta, Georgia in the US. We both have young adult children with whom we are very close.

I recently left my job, teaching acting and writing to teens, in order to pursue a long time passion of being a health coach.

What does nature, and the sea in particular, mean to you? 

“Nature, and the sea, are both solace and wisdom. When I look at the sea, I am reminded of how much more vast and magnificent the world is than merely the chatter in my brain, or the goings on of people around me.”

How do you feel on a good day? 

I feel energised and eager to create and to learn.

How do you feel on a bad day?

I feel hopeless and lethargic. I don’t have many bad days. I am really lucky in that.

Who or what is inspiring you right now?

Greta, the young climate change activist, is inspiring me.  My son Jesse, majoring in ecology and public relations in order to help change climate policy, is inspiring me. What I have learned in my education at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition has inspired me daily!

What do you worry about on a typical day?

My adult boys. What Trump may have done now. I don’t watch the news. I read the NY Times on Sunday and catch bits on the radio. Any more than that and I’d lose my mind.

Where do you find joy? 

Being in nature with my husband – hiking the Appalachian Trail, staying in a hostel in the forest in south GA, in our bird filled back yard, exploring new places.

But I also love NY City, walking for ten miles a day through its diversity and savouring everything it has to offer – theatre, food, art, the people on the subway.

What do you love to do, read, watch or listen to?

I love to watch dancing and theatre.

I read all kinds of spiritual books and fiction. Right now I am rereading The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, by Carson McCullers. My favourite movie may be “Amelie.” But I have so many.

Listening – lately it is a mix of favourite songs that I made for our small backyard wedding in April. Also Xavier Rudd, Brandi Carlyle…

And podcasts. My favourite is The Moth

What makes you cross? 

Oh I love the word cross! Sounds inviting actually. Trump makes me much more than cross. Wilful ignorance that hurts other people and the environment makes me crazy mad. And I hate injustice.

How do you look after yourself?

I meditate, eat really well, do yoga and have a loving partner.

I also write a lot.

What would you most like to change about your life?

I’d like to have more time with my sons. But other than that, nothing.

What have you learnt about life that you wish you’d understood earlier?

“I wish I’d known that I was really ok – that the ditzy, talkative, overly enthusiastic person I was, was just fine, as a child and young adult. I have learned that we are all ok. And that includes me. I wouldn’t have wasted time worrying about this, especially about how I looked.”

How would you describe Sea Soul Blessings in 3 words?

Empowering, clear reminders.

How do you use your Sea Soul Blessings? What do they help you to change?

My husband and I draw a card for both of us every morning. We then get to discuss it together. It is often a card that perfectly applies to whatever is going on in our life and it is always a positive inspiration.

I have also drawn a card, when alone, in order to help me with a question. Unlike with my tarot cards, I know they will make me smile. They are not superficial. They go deep.

But I won’t have to delve into murky shadow territory or be confused about the meaning, as is sometimes the case with tarot cards.

If someone was thinking about trying Sea Soul Blessings, how would you encourage them?

“I would tell them how much they have meant to us. I would never have expected this tiny box to contain so much wisdom.”

I would tell them to stop thinking and just buy them! For themselves and for everyone they know!

Connect with Madeline at Love, Madeline. If you’d like to be featured tooget in touch.

The lovely black and white photograph above was taken by Alix Robin Photography.

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You might also enjoy the other interviews in the Sea Soul Community series so far:





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