Looking for some free resources to support your Sea Soul Journal journey?
If you’ve recently purchased my Journal and want some simple tools to support you as you read and try the practices within, you’ve come to the right place!
These tools can also be used alongside the Sea Soul Journeys Oracle Cards…
The Sea Soul Newsletter
First of all, I encourage you to sign up for our Sea Soul Newsletter.
When you do, you’ll receive seven days of sea gifts, including some delicious sea sounds, ocean meditations and more.

Audio recordings of journal practices
If you purchased your Sea Soul Journal copy from us here at Sea Soul Blessings, you’ll already have received a collection of specially recorded practices from the book as a gift – including the Sunrise over the Sea and Moonrise over the Sea rituals, some delicious sea sounds, and recordings of all the visualisations.
If you purchased your journal elsewhere, don’t despair, we’ve got you! You’ll find some different gifts below to support your Sea Soul Journal journey, and help you get started.
(And if you would like to access those extra recordings mentioned above, that’s another reason to join our newsletter – as I’ll be sharing another fun way to get hold of these soon…)
Sea sounds to soothe you
Download or listen to the file below to bring the sea to you wherever you are. Play these sea sounds as you read your journal, explore the written prompts and other practices. Or just as you go about your day.
A guided ocean visualisation:
Here’s a simple 14 minute meditation to connect you to the sea. You can also download it as an audio file below if you’d like to carry it around with you.
You could listen to this meditation before you use your journal or step into any of the ocean practices, or whenever you want to soothe your nervous system. Excuse my slightly croaky voice, and enjoy!
You can also see a film of the same practice below. Let yourself be gently soothed and delighted by the movement of the water. This little film was actually filmed on the most magical deserted little beach in Spain in Autumn. I had just swum alongside the largest and most varied shoals of fish that I have ever seen in my life: an absolutely blissful and unforgettable moment. As you watch the surface, you might like to allow yourself to imagine the colours, vitality and beauty of what lies beneath.
And don’t forget to sign up for our Sea Soul Newsletter. I’d love to share more sea with you.